Yays and Nays of Online Learning


David Holmquist

The Criterion staff discusses story ideas and offers each other support. Contact any one of them if you see news happen or have a suggestion for a story you want told!


Yay for more time for sleeping in

Nay to all the hours functioning a computer

Yay for extended due dates on assignments

Nay to understanding hardly any of that information.

Yay to all the work time given by our instructors!

Nay to no classmates to work with

Yay to seeing our families and pets all day long

Nay to the lack of friends around you.

Yay to the freedom of lunch at home

Nay to the realization that…there is no food at home

Yay to not having to get out of bed to attend your classes

Nay to your computer dying during class.

Yay to moving and stretching with the camera off,

Nay to the teacher’s lonely face left on the call

Yay to taking those masks off at home

Nay to loud houses and backgrounds there too.

Yay for using notes on tests


Yay for reaching out to friends during classes


Nay for my cat walking across my test…

Nay to realizing you missed half of the class instruction.

Yay to new website learning!

Nay to using Edpuzzle or zoom…

Yay for class conversations altogether,

Nay to teachers who get upset by cameras being off

Yay for being able to return to school on October 7

Nay for all my friends being in the opposite Cohort.

Yay for our teachers and administrators working hard to make things work

Nay for this virus that just won’t go away.