Students Accept Hispanic Heritage Month Resolution from Janesville City Council

From left to right: Sra. Wyatt, Fernanda Cortes, Auna Pokel, (Not Identified), Yaretzy Monzerrat Soto, Naidelin Duran, Maria Banuelos Pacheco, Igzandra Del Camino Bonilla, and Skylar Ramirez Martinez.

On September 9th, the Janesville City Council recognized that “Hispanic American have contributed greatly to our nation in all areas including science, art, music, sports, education, and public service,” by accepting a resolution declaring September 15th through October 15th as Hispanic Heritage Month in Janesville.

Students from Craig’s AP Spanish, Heritage Spanish, League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), and Excellence for All Student Stakeholders attended the meeting and were were presented the resolution by the City Council.

“This is quite an honor for us and exciting recognition for National Hispanic Heritage Month,” said Señora Wyatt, teacher and advisor for many Hispanic related activities at Craig.

President of Human Relations club, Fernanda Cortes, said the day helped her connect to her Latina pride. “The one thing I have to say about that day is that, as a Latina myself, I couldn’t be more proud of how we are all coming together,” Said Cortes. “I am proud of who I am, proud of my background and there is nothing I would do to change that. That day just made me even more proud of being me.”

Read the resolution below!