Season Start Sport Profile : Boys Hockey
Last year the Bluebirds started off slow but picked it up later in the season, surprising some other teams.
This year they are ready and expect competition every game with Charlie DeGarmo from Parker High School and Ben Coulter from Craig High School leading the team this year.
Even though there are not any records expected to be broken this season, the head coach, John Mauermann, said the players to watch for this season are Ben Coulter, Tyler Edwards, Brian Elliott, Sam Iverson, and Cody Cass.
The most competitive games this season are expected to be against Sun Prairie and Madison Memorial, but the fun games that people should come out to are the Beloit ones. Mauermann said, “Beloit games are always exciting. [Though] when you only get 24, everyone is special.”
Mauermann strives for the team’s continued improvement with “Work hard, play hard” as his guiding principle.
As of Dec. 18, the team’s record is 2 wins and 5 losses.

(He, him, his)
Kenneth Forbeck is a seventeen-year-old Senior at Craig High School.
Since starting high school in 2016, he has served as both a reporter...