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The Student News Site of Joseph A. Craig High School

The Criterion

The Student News Site of Joseph A. Craig High School

The Criterion

The Student News Site of Joseph A. Craig High School

The Criterion

Kyra McCombs, Reporter and Photographer

Kyra is a junior this year at Craig High School. In her time here at Craig, she has never found the motivation or confidence to join any type of sport or club, but this year she decided to give it a go. Kyra has always loved writing and being able to use words in an artistic way. She mostly enjoys writing poetry because that’s what she’s familiar with and confident in, but she said she decided it was time to go outside of her comfort zone. Kyra would love to be a writer someday and publish her own works, so she’d like to try different writing styles and types to see what else she could exceed in. This is why Kyra decided to join newspaper! Writing, however, is not her only passion. She loves to read, she does ballet, and she plays the piano (and take it from Mr. Holmquist: she is really good). She also gardens in the summer and spring and enjoys clipping roses from her garden to give to loved ones. She also likes to write them letters! All of these interests are so beautiful to her, and she loves the lovely things in life the most. She loves reading things that make her feel deeply about what the writer is talking about. She also says she likes things that make her really think. Philosophy in writing is something that she loves, so authors like Franz Kafka, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and Sylvia Plath really inspire her to write.  Kyra hopes she is able to write interesting and intriguing stories to contribute to the Criterion, and she hopes this opportunity can increase her knowledge and writing skills. 


All content by Kyra McCombs