Amidst ever-growing turmoil, seeing weekly anti-trans legislation headlines, support for anti-LGBTQ+ figures, and general internet toxicity, being LGBTQ+ today can be empowering yet stressful.
Community is critical, now more than ever. The new GSA (Gender-Sexuality Alliance) was started by Craig’s social worker, Mrs. Boylan, and reading coach, Ms. Johnson.
“Above all, I hope that GSA provides a safe space for our students in the LGBTQ+ community and their allies to come together. I hope that GSA grows [in numbers] so that our students can meet more people with whom they can share their valuable experiences and that our organization provides opportunities for learning and growth, ” says Ms. Johnson.
The club welcomes everyone regardless of labels or confidence in orientation. The one requirement is respect for diversity in sexuality and gender.
Confidentiality is also emphasized: everything said within the room stays in the room. Discussion is open to various topics: what you did over the weekend, personal and familial issues, sexuality, gender, etc.
The club offered snacks in one of the first few meetings, including popcorn, chips, and cookies. In addition, sheets of paper were handed out for everyone to make their posters for the club.
“So far, our members have spent time in our meetings both getting to know each other as well as planning promotional activities to grow the club. It has been so awesome to hear our members share their ideas and collaborate to make these ideas come to life, so I am looking forward to seeing more of this creativity and collaboration. I am also looking forward to seeing how much our club will grow,” Mrs. Johnson said hopefully.
The group is currently looking for new members! Meetings are on Tuesdays in room 609!