Meet Barry Holloway, Craig’s next Dean of Students

Mr. Barry Holloway currently teaches English at Hamilton High School in Sussex, Wis. He will be Craig’s next Dean of Students.
On April 24, Dr. Bjoin announced the hiring of Barry Holloway, who will be Craig’s next dean of students.
Craig’s current dean, Mr. Zach Gavin, has been hired as assistant principal to replace Monte Phillips.
“Barry comes to us with more than 10 years of teaching and coaching experience,” said Dr. Bjoin in an email. “He is currently working on a PhD in Education Leadership and Policy Analysis at UW-Madison.”
According to his “about me” page, Mr. Holloway states he is “looking to find a leadership position at a school that empowers their staff in a way that it leverages the experience of the building’s educators to drive student achievement.”
Since 2013, Mr. Holloway has taught English at Hamilton High School in Sussex, Wis.
He has taught primarily AP Literature, honors European Literature, and English 9.
He is also coach of the girls rugby team. In the past he has coached forensics.
Prior to Hamilton, Mr. Holloway taught at Wauwatosa East High School from 2011-13.
For eight years before his time at East, he worked as a Park Leader and Program Coordinator for the Waukesha Parks system.
In 2006-7, he worked for the Milwaukee Admirals, a minor league hockey team, in marketing and promotions.
Mr. Holloway currently resides in Bay View with his three-year-old son Harrison and his wife Becky.
Dr. Bjoin added, “Mr. Holloway will start in August but will be included in schoolwide planning as he is available.”