Spotlight on Seniors: Maddy Arrowood leads team to state success
Maddy Arrowood has been a part of Craig Cross Country’s tradition of excellence, being on the Varsity team all four years, a two-time MVP and being selected as one of this year’s captains. Her leadership and academic and athletic excellence have set her apart from her classmates, granting her this honor.
“Me being voted as captain meant so much to me. It makes me really happy that people on the team thought I would be a good captain,” said Arrowood.
Arrowood joined cross country because she wanted to try something new as a freshman. The team is why she has stuck with this grueling sport. She says that the teammates and everyone around have been so positive, motivating, and encouraging. Arrowood’s decision to stick with a sport has not only improved her life, but the lives of others around her.
“Maddy always has a positive personality and she is consistently uplifting those around her. She’s a pleasant person to be associated with,” commented Cross Country and Distance Track Coach Brandon Miles.
One of the Arrowood’s favorite memories from cross country was her first race, a time trial at Palmer Park. Arrowood finished as one of the team’s top 7. Going into the race, she did not know what to expect, and making it on to varsity with all of her friends was amazing. Other memorable moments for Arrowood include pasta dinners, banquets, and the Nightfall Classic, in which Arrowood’s PR of 19:18 was acquired. Arrowood remembers the race vividly; a new race with a cold temperature was the perfect recipe for success. She recalls feeling strong the whole race.
Other notable accomplishments for Arrowood include making the Big 8 All-Conference Team, going to the state meet three times in cross country, and winning last year’s Blackshirt Challenge.
“It was very cool being able to finish through that line…first, with only a second in front of someone,” remembered Arrowood.
Arrowod is motivated by her teammates and coaches. Arrowood has been motivated to push through obstacles because of the support of her team. After a stress fracture in track, Arrowood struggled to return after a long break from running, but consistently ran at the summer running program VCTC to gain back her fitness.
“Just knowing I have people by my side motivates me to run fast and give it my best effort and leave it all out there,” says Arrowood.
Coach Miles believes that along with innate ability, Arrowood has put in the hard work to be successful, saying, “She’s worked hard at her craft over the years and cares about it and is willing to put everything she has out there for her workouts and her races.”
After high school, Arrowood plans on going to UW-Lacrosse, UW-Milwaukee, or Winona State University, potentially continuing to run. Although undecided on her major, Arrowood wants to probably go into the health field. She hopes to continue getting good grades this year and enjoy every moment of her senior year.
Outside of running, Maddy Arrowood enjoys spending time with friends and family, doing activities and going various places. She is a member of the National Honors Society, Spanish National Honors Society, and Letterwoman’s Club.
“I don’t like to sit around,” commented Arrowood.
Some fun facts about Maddy Arrowood include: she will not be 18 until after high school; her favorite color is blue; she is 5’10”; she has two younger brothers (Max, who is a freshman at Craig, and Mason, who is a 7th grader at Edison); her favorite food is steak and fruit. “Any fruit I will eat. And steak, I just LOVE steak.”
Maddy Arrowood has been a leader and a role model for underclassman of dedication and excellence, and will continue to persevere and inspire.
“She’s obviously left behind that positivity that she brought every day to practice with those succeeding her in her captainship role and just her work ethic,” said Coach Miles regarding Arrowood’s influence on the team and the program.

(She, her, hers)
Gabby Petruzzello is a Senior at Craig High School. She has been on the newspaper for three years, and is currently the Chief Editor...